It is called “The Mirror of Destiny”, but what is destiny?
Is it something that is meant to happen, and therefore unalterable?
Or is it only a probability?
Determinism says that everything is already decided for you. That free will is only an idea, and not a reality. You have no free will, and your actions count for nothing. What is meant to be, will be, and there is nothing you can do to change that.
However, if free will does exist, then the choices you make can alter your destiny. Your future can change, depending on how you act now.
“Destiny is the point where your circumstances and your actions coincide. You cannot change the circumstance, but you are always in control of your actions, and it is ultimately your choices that decide your destiny.” – Corinne
If you could read the future, as in “The Mirror of Destiny”, the images in the mirror would only represent your possible futures – what may happen if you continue on the path you are on. If the future is not yet determined, there is still a way to change it.
Copyright @ Theodore Volgoff. All rights reserved.
Also Read: MOD1: What is the Mirror of Destiny?
MOD3: Corinne’s Guide Book
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