The origin of the story “God Gets A Checkup” is in the title itself.
This is where it all started – with the image of God at the doctor’s office.
The Seeds Of The Story
A few years back I was having a discussion with a group of people, about God and religion. The view I expressed on the subject was roughly as follows:
“All religions have the same source, and they all worship the same deity, albeit in different ways. They have each picked their favourite part of God, a small piece of his body that they are viewing through the eye of the needle, which means neither of them are seeing the whole picture. This is why the different religions will never agree on the nature of God.”
In my mind’s eye I could see Buddhists, Muslims, Christians and Jews camping in different spots on God’s body. One would be positioned close to the heart, another would be lost in God’s left eyebrow, and the ‘fire and brimstone crowd’ would most certainly be positioned near the anal opening where they could smell the Sulphur.
Is God Healthy?
After coming to this conclusion I began to wonder about the state of God’s health, and I imagined him looking like Sir Ian McKellen, sitting in the doctor’s office, and being given a very thorough checkup.
At first I wondered if humans were like fleas on God’s body, imposing upon him and making him sick. Then I realised that we were no more imposing upon him than our own cells – whether normal or cancerous – were imposing upon us.
In “God Gets A Checkup” the idea expressed is that God can only ever be as healthy as his followers, that they in fact make up his body, the same way that cells make up ours.
In short: God is us, and we are of God.
This is how the story was born.
​Copyright @ Theodore Volgoff. All rights reserved.
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